Remove and Customize Steps from Store Setup

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    • #105266

      Hi. I wanted to remove some specific steps for the store setup widget, also do edit one. I don’t want to completely disable it because some of the steps would be useful to go through. I’ve seen from this thread how to disable the SEO step:

      How can I do the same for the others? I want to remove Support, Seo and Social.

      And for customize, I’d like to remove IBAN, Swift Code and IFSC Code from under “Bank transfer” on the Preferred Payment Method step.

    • #105274

      Hi @contatoapp,

      Please use the below code to remove Support, Seo and Social steps from store setup:

      add_filter('wcfmmp_store_setup_steps', 'remove_seo_tab');
      function remove_seo_tab($steps) {
          unset($steps['seo'], $steps['social'], $steps['support']);
          return $steps;

      And use the below code to remove IBAN, Swift Code and IFSC Code from under “Bank transfer”:

      add_filter( 'wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_billing_bank', 'remove_store_setup_bank_fields' );
      function remove_store_setup_bank_fields($wcfmmp_settings_fields_billing) {
      	unset( $wcfmmp_settings_fields_billing['iban'], $wcfmmp_settings_fields_billing['swift'], $wcfmmp_settings_fields_billing['ifsc'] );
      	return $wcfmmp_settings_fields_billing;


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