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Remove Map and Location filter

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    • #116790

      Can someone please tell me how to remove this eyesore of a map that barely works even 2% of the time. Been complaining about this stupid map since June last year. I’ve also seen multiple people complaining. This very nice and plugin and you don’t give options to remove a big dumb map? Staff has been literally useless only responding to partial question. I’ve tried every solution and none of them removes the map and location filter completely. Can somebody help please? Why hardwire that big map into an important page with no simple solution to remove such?
      Ive already used

      add_filter( ‘wcfm_marketplace_settings_fields_visibility’, function( $fiels, $vendor_id ) {
      return $fiels;
      }, 50,2 );

      Not working
      I’ve removed maps key, still leaves filter by location.
      I’m so aggravated with the design of this market page. Ready to just try another damn pluin. I’m too nervous to but rest of addons for fear that I’ll have an issue I wont be able to fix and wont be ale to get help.
      Forgive me if this is an easy fix but I’m very a noob to this and this plugin supposed to be very simple and easy to use according to that rep I chatted with.

    • #116804


      Are you trying to remove the map and filter from store list page?
      If yes then you have to pass “map” and “filter” attributes with blank value.
      Please use the below shortcode to get it work.

      [wcfm_stores map=”” filter=””]


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