Removing and Customizing Profile Manager Menu Options

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Removing and Customizing Profile Manager Menu Options

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    • #113019

      I am trying to customize both the language and the order of the menu items on Profile Manager (screenshot below). Specifically, here is what I’d like to do:
      1.) Change the title of the “Verification” menu item to “My Documents”
      2.) Change the section header from “Profile Manager” to “Your Information”
      3.) Remove the “Hey! Prompt For Verification” message and replace it with my own message
      4.) Remove the “Prompt Verify” section
      5.) Remove the “Identity Verification” title and change it to “Upload Your Documents”
      6.) Remove “Passport” and “Drivers License” uploads
      7.) Change the names of “National ID Card” and “Business Card” to “W2” and “Artist Agreement”
      8.) Remove the “Address Verification” section completely


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