Request a Quote Questions

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    • #82295


      I have the plugin request a quote from YITH installed and would like to have that the customers request for a quote instead of buying. Customers add the products to the cart(requestlist) and then submit the request. This works on single shop really good.
      The Problem:

      Customers want to buy/inquire from different vendors/Shop. So they add products from different shops into the requestlist. How can i realize that every vendor gets ONLY HIS requests? Only with his products.

      I am not married to YITH. If another plugin works better …

      Another solution would be that the customers can only buy at one shop. Is there a way to force customers to shop in the same store?

      Thank you!

    • #82498
      WCFM Forum


      Well, WCFM already support such a quote request plugin –

      Kindly know me exact url which plugin you are using? We will add that compatibility as well.

      Thank You

    • #82733
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #82923
      WCFM Forum

      OK, we will add support this Quote to Request plugin in next update.

      Thank You

    • #83635
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #83964
      WCFM Forum


      Is this possible with the plugin?

      – Yeah, we have make this compatible with multi-vendor system.

      Will do same for yith-woocommerce-request-a-quote in next update.

      Thank You

    • #84033
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #84431
      WCFM Forum


      Well, you can not change this from WooCommerce email setting.

      We are checking this.

      Thank You

    • #86348
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    • #86537
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    • #86764
      WCFM Forum


      Please contact us here directly –

      We have to debug what issues you are getting.

      Thank You

    • #124349

      Hi There. I installed the suggested quotation plugin. It seems to work fine but the Product Quote Tab only appears in the backend view. Also the order proposal and price editing fields just appears in the back end view. How to make them visible for vendors editing in the front end so that vendors can add quotation products and send proposals in the front end?



      • #124568


        Vendor can fine “Quoation” tab in Product edit section. (PFA)
        Please be advised WCFM-Ultimate plugin is required for this.


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    • #124635

      This tab is only appearing for me (site admin and only back end, not front end) but not for registered vendors. Am I missing smoething?

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    • #124700


      Do you see the “Quoation” tab in the WCFM-fronted product edit dashboard?(login as a admin)
      If yes, it’s not showing only for vendor then please check the “” capability from WCFM store dashboard -> Capability (PFA)
      If you are using WCFM-Groups & Staffs plugin, then also the groups capability.


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    • #124770

      No, there is only one integration in my admin front end: Listing (WP Job Manager). Is it because I have free version only?

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    • #124799

      Also in the order tab I don’t see the session where we are supposed to send the proposal

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    • #124981


      We have mentioned you earlier to “woocommercequoteplugin” or “YiTH Request a Quote Premium” plugins support WCFM-Ultimate plugin is required.


    • #125040

      Hi, I installed ultimate and tried both quotation plugins (woocommerce and YITH). Everything seems to work fine with both one with one exception so far in both: the vendor can not edit the order price to reply request to client. I have checked vendors capabilities and all product and orders features are checked. Admin can not edit the order price in the front end either, but in the back end. Prints from Woocommerce Quotation plugin (the one I am currently trying).

      My use case: I have an event suppliers market place where most of the times the supplier can not set a product price an advance. So they normally receive a quote request from customers, estimate price and send a proposal to customer, who accept or not.

      Thanks Silvio

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      • #125127


        Sorry, but unfortunately this feature is not supported in our WCFM plugin.
        There is a reason why we have restricted it for vendors- Let’s take for example, if the vendor edit the order and changes the value from USD 10 to USD 200 and claim it from customer, unfortunately it will be the onus of the admin and he/she will be in trouble, and commission calculation will mess.
        alternatively, Here it’s work like- You/vendor can put a product price at first and then can change it by providing a “Apply Discount”.


    • #125168

      Hi, I see it is quite a challenge. But in the example you gave it wouldn’t be the onus of the admin, because customer has to accept or reject proposal and only after that he pays it. In woocommerce quatation plugin for example, the customer don’t even see the price (product set with no price) an advance and his order appears as “quote request” and the price field of the order as “price not proposed yet”. So customer is aware of the process. Thats why I though this plugin would satisfy the use case completely.

      There are several markets, specially in services, where it is impossible to set a price an advance due to many subjective and objective variables. It is the case for many suppliers in the events industry (my market place). Thats why the alternative of pre setting a “guess” price is not acceptable. It would indeed cause admin issues to communicate with vendors. I see a few freelancers platforms working successfully with no price though.

      So as almost the whole process works fine with woo quotation, I was wondering if maybe there is some other plugin that does the similar things but disconnected from woo “orders and payments”. Like an independent complementary plugin. Some type of inquiries plugin with customized submission fields, where users request a quote, vendors reply, user accepts/denies/interacts, but the order and payments are outside the platform according to their user/vendors negociated rules.

      Sorry for the long text! :-). I really need to get this done.

      Best Regards

    • #125476


      As you understand this requirement is not possible using code snippet.
      It will requires serious custom development, and this will be a paid one.
      If you are interested then please contact us here – (with proper project of scope), our development team will reach you out.

      Thank You

    • #126946

      I am searching for a similar functionality. Vendors need to be able to create products, but final pricing and options can vary dramatically, so it is impossible to set an initial price. What we need is the customer to be able to find a product they like, then communicate with vendor to discuss options (like the inquiry function), and then the vendor needs to be able to send a quote to the customer OR to send customer a link to a private product (there are a few plugins that do this). Then customer can purchase the proposal or customized product.

    • #127735

      Exactly! It would be perfect!

    • #133637

      Hi, another example.
      Our vendors sell food. For example cheese or meat.
      When customer order 500g of a cheese, vendor can’t cut this exact amount of cheese. It always will be around 490g or 512g etc.
      So, in our case, vendor should be able to correct amount in an order (or quote) to the actual quantity he going to supply to the customer and recalculate totals of the order.
      Otherwise vendor and customer will always argue about actual quantity in the orders and it’s total price.

    • #133843


      If you have some time, could you help me by answering a question with the integration of the Yith request a Quote plugin in Wcfm Ultimate /

      When placing a Price Request through the Yith Request a Quote plugin, I have the goods added to the basket, but when placing an Order and paying, Woocommerce does not see the available delivery methods.

      I tried both rewriting (in the Request a Quote plugin) delivery and disabling rewriting. But Woocommerce in all cases does not see delivery methods.

      If you send a quote through the Woocommerce admin panel (per provider), then woocommerce sees delivery methods.

      If this is done by the provider in the WCFM plugin (through the extension announced by WCFM – support for YITH Request a Quote) then Woocommerce does not see delivery methods.

      Please tell me what’s the matter?

      Thanks you!

    • #134980

      is WCFM compatible with the free version of YITH WOOCOMMERCE REQUEST A QUOTE or do I absolutely have to take their premium version?

    • #135012

      Thank you
      sorry i forgot to specify that i have WCFM ultimate but with the free version of REQUEST A QUOTE the request for quotation is only sent to the administrator and not for each seller of the request for quotation. This is why I wanted to know if I should take the premium version of REQUEST A QUOTE from YITH

      • #135091

        Yes, WCFM added support for “yith woocommerce request a quote premium” plugin.


    • #135121


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