Rest API not working for notifications & enquiries

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM Marketplace – REST API Rest API not working for notifications & enquiries

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    • #97287

      I am using WCFM marketplace + ultimate + group & staff + rest api plugins.I am developing a seller mobile app for vendors using ionic framework(v.4).So I tried to authenticate via Json web tokens & oAuth methods.But not worked.It always says “rest_forbidden”,”message”:”Sorry, you are not allowed to do that.”So can you help me to g ofurther? Thank you very much!

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    • #97734

      We already have a Seller app for WCFM (WCFM Store Manager) you can use it. It is available in the google play store for free it is developed in react native framework. It is also available for white labeling and the source code is also available.
      But we don’t provide help with the custom app development in custom frameworks.


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