Reviews by non registred/logged users.

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Viewing 8 reply threads
  • Author
    • #73935
      Jose Solsona

      I have desactivated the “Allow reviews only by registred/logged users” option but don’t work.

      When click on review filed on the store page show an alert message that say: Please access the site first.

    • #73995
      WCFM Forum


      Please show me screenshot for this.

      And be sure you have un-check this from WCFM Admin Setting -> Review Setting –

      Thank You

    • #74025
      Jose Solsona

      yes, is un-checked

      P.S: please answer me also in the: “WCFM Affiliate has just released!” topic. thanks!

      You must be logged in to view attached files.
    • #74368
      WCFM Forum

      Replied there.

    • #80062
      Jose Solsona

      Hi, Admin
      What happens with my question?
      How to solve to able the reviews for non registred users?
      I’ve sent you the screen about my config..

    • #80474
      Jose Solsona

      No help for this issue?

    • #80573
      WCFM Forum


      I have desactivated the “Allow reviews only by registred/logged users” option but don’t work.

      – Well, there is such setting option for Store Review.

      There has a setting option -> Review only store users?
      Now, this means something else, whether that user already purchased some item from this store or not!
      If you enable this then only those users already purchased item from a store allowed to add review for that store.

      To add review for a store user must be logged in to the site.

      Guest users are not allowed to add review for store!

      Thank You

    • #81059
      Jose Solsona

      Is not possible to alow the non logged users review the store?

    • #81668
      WCFM Forum

      NO, right now this is not possible!

Viewing 8 reply threads
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