Search bar Zip Code

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    • #114087

      Hello, I would like to carry out a search bar by Postal code on the home page of my website. I know there are short codes but that doesn’t suit me. Because the search bar is on a background image so must be included in php or html.

      Do you have any solutions for me?

      Thank you

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    • #114741
      WCFM Forum

      Sorry, WCFM does not have any such short code or component for home page.

    • #114744

      Do you know a plugin for that who work with wcfm ??


    • #115024


      Do you want a “zipcode” search field n your homepage, and after submitting the search button it will go to the “store lists” page & filtered by the “zipcode”?
      As these will be customization works. Please contact us here for the purpose –


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