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Seller registration form! custom fields

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Membership Seller registration form! custom fields

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    • #72593
      Cap Luis

      Any prediction to insert fields with conditional logic in the registration form?

      I have a salesperson in my country who deals with sales, who sells products has to have a state registration number, I have another salesperson who sells services, those who sell services do not have to have a state registration number. With conditional logic it would be easy to limit these fields to the right vendors.

      If the answer to question is: It is not possible! I have another question.

      Would it be possible to integrate custom ACF fields into the seller’s registration panel?

      It is very easy to make these fields appear on the backend!

      User Function = equals = vendor

      And the fields are in the profile of the user seller, and are very easy to link in other forms and site sites, but they do not appear in wcfm for the seller to change the data.

      I thank you for your help

    • #72714
      Cap Luis

      Please, another question!

      What are the meta key of the forms? I want to feed Buddypress with the same fields as the wcfm form register.

      For this I am using the registration form of buddyforms plugin.

      What I want with this is to have users populate two databases with a single form. I can already make the registration of the seller, but the secondary fields that are not of the wordpress are not talking.

      I attached the meta keys I thought were the correct keys.

      But it did not work.

      As I said my purpose is to show company information in the buddypress xprofile fields, for this I use a third party form. I can feed WCFM if you use the correct keys.

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    • #72738
      WCFM Forum


      I have a salesperson in my country who deals with sales, who sells products has to have a state registration number, I have another salesperson who sells services, those who sell services do not have to have a state registration number. With conditional logic it would be easy to limit these fields to the right vendors.

      – Well, both the user here “vendor” then how this login will work?

      More importantly, registration form comes before registration then it’s not even possible to check such condition – “User Function = equals = vendor”

      I am not very clear with your second query. Do you want to know meta_keys for vendor profile information?

      Thank You

    • #72817
      Cap Luis

      – Well, both the user here “vendor” then how this login will work?
      Dynamic fields will not fade into user login! the user will still be: store vendor

      But a service seller will not need to enter the state registration number in the register or in the registry.

      This number I will use to validate company data in my Country / State. Not all salespeople need to report.

      It would look something like this:

      Form register or edit: vendor types: Service or Product? “select field”

      Answer: Product

      New field appears: State registration number

      Now I have this information, I can validate the data personally in the governmental organs



      You could take a look at ACF, do an installation to analyze if it would be possible to link the fields in the registration form! and the WCFM log editing page! You did this with products. I’ve attached an image of the rules that could help with this integration, let me know if I’m correct or if that’s not possible.

      Do you want to know meta_keys

      This I need the meta fields.

      I am new to wordpress and am trying to learn everything! but my form lets you place meta keys to fill fields.

      I could use my form and fill out the store seller register form.


      I do not know if this is only possible for custom posts, or for the record too, I may be reading this wrong.

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    • #72945
      WCFM Forum


      Well, ACF will not work here. So do not think of that.

      Form register or edit: vendor types: Service or Product? “select field”

      Answer: Product

      New field appears: State registration number

      – Please contact me here – https://wclovers.com/woocommerce-multivendor-customization/
      I will implement this for you.

      Thank You

    • #73083
      WCFM Forum


      This will serve to Sync the buddypress fields into the wcfm fields.

      – Which BudddyPress Fields?

      Well, this article is for “Post”, not for “User”

      Thank You

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