SEO of Vendor page

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  • Author
    • #60525

      Hi, right now vendor pages have no SEO controls. When I look on Google for a vendor page on my website, it shows the page title as “Shop” instead of the vendors name. Also, for “Description” google is picking up the vendor address information.

      What can we do to improve SEO for vendor pages?

    • #60702
      WCFM Forum


      DO you have setup store SEO from vendor setting page?

      Between, which SEO plugin you are using? Please use Yoast SEO plugin.

      Thank You

    • #60754

      It seems that is something controlled by the vendor in their Vendor Dashboard Store settings.

      As Shop Admin, I am not able to access their SEO setup page on the vendor dashboard. I must log in as vendor to see it.

      Also, vendors when they sign up might not notice the SEO settings page and will leave it blank.

      I would suggest that the plug-in fill that information automatically with “Shop Name as Store Page Meta tag: Title) and and excerpt from their Shop Description as Store page meta tag: Description

    • #60792
      WCFM Forum


      I would suggest that the plug-in fill that information automatically with “Shop Name as Store Page Meta tag: Title) and and excerpt from their Shop Description as Store page meta tag: Description

      – It actually does. That’s why I asked you to use Yoast SEO plugin. Possibly your SEO plugin destructing this.

      You may even check this once deactivating your SEO plugin.

      Thank You

    • #60837

      Ok wonderful I switched to the Yoast SEO plugin and now SEO for vendors is working fine. Thank you for your continuous support and due diligent work.

    • #60844
      WCFM Forum

      You are welcome 🙂

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