Shipping cost

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    • #32238

      Hi all,

      Short question: is it possible to parameterize the marketplace plugin to have shipping cost assigned to vendors instead of final customers.
      The shipping costs should be equal to zero in customer invoice but be transfered to vendors in their commission calculation.
      I know the “Shipping cost goes to vendor?” checkbox on the Commission panel but I’m unable to have free shipping for customers in the checkout screen.
      Any idea ?


    • #32267
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      Please check this –

      Vendor’s can setup FREE Shipping from their shipping setting panel.

      In fact customer’s will have hints for getting Free shipping at their checkout page as well.

      Thank You

      • #32277

        Thanks for your reply.
        Sorry but what do you mean by hints ? Coupon ? I don’t get what it could be…

    • #32486

      If the vendor turns on free shipping and sets min order amount to be 100 for the vendor to get free shipping, the customers will be hinted how much more to buy from the vendor to get free shipping from the particular vendor if the cart amount is less than 100 for the particular vendor. Screenshot attached.

      Thank You.

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    • #32489

      Thanks for your reply.

      It seems that my first explanations were not clear enough.
      Will try to explain again my objectives.

      I use the woocommerce + marketplace + subscription plugins.
      I would like to mark the shipping as free for end-customers and, in the same time, to have vendor’s commission calculation impacted by the “real” transport fee.

      Example: final customer order a subscription for a product A. This product A is localized in vendor warehouse.
      The subscription will, by consequence, trigger a transport order from vendor warehouse to the final customer localization.
      This transport fee would be – let’s say- 10$.
      I don’t want to have these 10$ on the final customer invoice but to subtract the 10$ from the vendor commission.
      Please note also that the shipping organization would be managed at Admin level and not by the vendors.

      If I set the shipping as free in woocommerce options, customer would not pay the transport but even if I check the “Shipping cost goes to vendor?” checkbox on the Commission panel vendor will not see his commission reduced by the shipping fee…

      Question is by consequence: is it possible to disconnect the transport price appearing on the customer invoice with the transport price used in commission calculation ?

      Thanks for your help !

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