Simple Feedback

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    • #119361

      Hi Team!

      I’d like to suggest a simple “FEEDBACK” module for Vendors.

      CUSTOMER (or users of specific USER ROLE) can click a feedback button from the Shop Loop (very similar to Inquiry button, but in Shop LOOP) and it brings up a popup form, which the feedback goes directly to Vendor Dashboard. No email necessary – Vendor just gets an email that there is feedback from CUSTOMER, and they should login to see it in their Dashboard. So just something simple where the CUSTOMER can quickly and easily send a short NOTE (Tweet length) to the Vendor.

      Vendor does not need to reply – they only see the notes from CUSTOMERs.

      In the Vendor Dashboard – FEEDBACK tab (or CUSTOMER NOTES tab), the Vendor sees each of their products as the table heading. When they click on the table heading, they can see all the feedback for that specific product.

      Is this possible?

    • #119426

      I’m a customer not a developer of the plugins but have a question:

      What is the downside of the “inquiry” being used for feedback?
      I think it is important for the vendor to be able to communicate back to the customer with their feedback/inquiery.

      And the “reviews” provide a public facing (and very valuable) for consumer confidence. My fear is that if you have a 3 option to send feedback to the vendor that some of those reviews wound be able to be used as visible reviews for other customers to see.

    • #119459

      Hi @Craig,

      I’m actually using the “Inquiry” module at the moment for this purpose, and have renamed it to “Feedback”. However, when I turn off the “Reply” capability for Vendor in Capability settings, the “Reply” button is still visible in the Vendor dashboard, and the “Inquiry” itself is a clickable link. Clicking either one of these two, sends Vendor to a page that tells them their Membership does not allow them to see the content.

      What brought about this request, is that I needed a module for a specific USER ROLE, which can give one-way-private-feedback to the Vendor.

      I must say thank you for your comment, @Craig, because it has made me re-think and crystallize my Request.

      Think of it as a product-specific “SUGGESTION BOX”

    • #119557

      … there was a nice proposal by communitycorrals some time ago related to this topic:

      At ebay, amazon etc. there’s this system that allows to answer to “inquiry-notification-emails” directly from the email-client (Outlook etc.) and it’s transferred to the other participant on the platform but platform owner keeps control over the communication.

      During testing I figured out the same thing as pisidia. If admin allows customers so send inquiries to vendors without being logged in, the link in the email to the customer with the answer of the vendor doesn’t work. So either A) settings needs to be done that customers can send inquiries only if an account is created and is logged in while sending and receiving messages OR B) the text in the email template needs to be changed to avoid confusion. In both ways a communication over the platform is generally possible, that’s true, but it’s not comfortable at all compared to the state of the art set by big platform players.

    • #121101

      Sounds like the WC Lovers developers need to provide some feedback on this?

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