Skip Registration for registered vendors

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Membership Skip Registration for registered vendors

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  • Author
    • #28916


      Is it possible to skip the registration step as there is no reason for it for existing vendor, at least for me

      Maybe registration page and membership page should be separate

      Than You

    • #28935
      WCFM Forum


      This is required specially for “Store Name”.

      In wordpress a user may register just by email address, but for a vendor this is not enough.

      Membership and normal registration is separate but same form used both the cases.

      Thank You

    • #28957


      I have my vendors’ membership ends every month (for testing every 1 day) after that they have to resub to a membership again, other than first time membership why would they put all information again ? they have all info in database already. Do you understand what I mean ?

      Thank You

    • #28968
      WCFM Forum


      They don’t have to put any additional info.
      Registration form comes but it’s already auto-fill.

      Previously there was an issue in WCFM Membership, if membership switch then profile data reset.
      But this has been already resolved in WCFM Membership 2.1.2

      So, all previous info will be there in profile with membership switch.

      Thank You

    • #28971


      “They don’t have to put any additional info.
      Registration form comes but it’s already auto-fill.”

      Yes it is coming auto-filled and it is working perfectly. But is there any way to skip this registration form step for existing vendors ? (it is a bit confusing for vendors to resub to membership again if they don’t understand how it works like us) If it is not so simple then maybe in the future.

      Thank You

    • #28972
      WCFM Forum

      Understand you point.

      We will definitely look into this, if possible then will definitely discard this step for membership switch.

      Thank You

    • #28987


      “We will definitely look into this, if possible then will definitely discard this step for membership switch.”

      And “Disabled Vendors” role too, because they’re my vendors who need to resub.


    • #28991
      WCFM Forum

      Yeah right!

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