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Speed of loas data la tío Long in censor dashboard

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Speed of loas data la tío Long in censor dashboard

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  • Author
    • #45494

      Hey wclovers Team, all features are awesome, but speed of load data in vendor dashboard it’s really long. For example in demo_vendor user the time to show data for orders or products it’s over 17 seconds. This is too too much. This should be instantaneous like other multivendor plugins like do man or wcmarketplace.
      If you rep are this. I will buy lifetime licence.

      Thanks for all.

    • #45515
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      Well, data load time mainly depend upon server’s respond time.

      One thing, can be change. Right now Orders page load orders at a time, that may be reduce to 10-15, that may decrease load time a bit.
      Still, 17 seconds is too much, server not responding that fast.

      Kindly check one thing, is any error generating or not? Check this at wp-admin -> WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs -> fatal_error logs ..

      You may check our demo – http://wcfmmp.wcfmdemos.com/my-account/
      It’s running on a very low end server but still loads orders within 2-3 seconds.

      Thank You

    • #45676

      Hi, i work with Kim, and we check your demo, that contain a lot of orders and product, the time is 17 second to load data, we tried in localhost with only 1 product, and 1 order, and then in a hosting server (for production) also with 1 order and 1 product, and when you clicking on order or product, or vendor, or any task that contain a crud or have to load data, spend so much time, even show “Processing” to wait several seconds to show data. In our test, we don’t get any errors (in wp-admin -> WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs -> fatal_error logs …).

      We also check for compare with dokan, and dokan it’s instantaneous even with a lot of product and order, but we like your features.

      Thank You for answer.

    • #45678
      WCFM Forum


      Well, we never had any report for WCFM speed, this is first time.

      We have tested WCFM Marketplace with 1 million products and 10k+ vendors, it’s working perfectly.

      We also test compare analysis with other multi-vendor with same number of products and vendors. WCFM Marketplace 28% faster than any other solution.

      Is there any JavaScript error in your site? Kindly check in Google Chrome browser console.

      Thank You

    • #45771

      Hello, i´m interested in speed of performance too, i think that the time to show data in any table its too long, i´ve already ask this in https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/ask-few-awesome-features/ and you sed that going to check the performance. And i see an other message that also ask for time to show data https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/manual-ordering-with-multiple-item-and-error-to-load-ajax-vendor-table/ i think that the user means to the time to show data because say:
      “other thing it’s the time that take to “Processing” every time when you click any menu that have to load a table it’s too looong. That is a little shamefulto show to our customers and vendors. It’s like the system its too lazy/slow…0”

      So, i hope that you take this seriusly, if you want i can make a video to show the time and where is the loong time to load data.

      please don´t take this like a haters, i really would like to improve the plugin.

      Best regards.

    • #45925

      Wow, i didn’t see the other message, seems that we are not the only one that want plugin a little faster.

      how do you reach to this 28% faster than any other multi vendor plugins? only compare any crud like product, in vendor dashboard, the list off records reach several seconds late than other.

      We really like other features, but the speed it’s super super important for show a good image.

      I hope that improve this, i think that dokan it’s a great as a parameter parameter.

      Thanks for all.

    • #45957
      WCFM Forum

      We will definitely look into this.

    • #49257

      Nice to heard that, if you need some feedback, or video to show how we see the lag, just ask and i can make a video.


    • #49314
      WCFM Forum


      Is your whole dashboard slow down, or some particular screens?

      Well, how many products and product categories are there right now!

      Thank You

    • #83199

      Only Orders tab is loading poor

    • #83351
      WCFM Forum

      OK, for both – Admin and Vendor?

      How many orders are there in your site?

      Thank You

    • #83353

      For both…
      We don’t even have 100 orders. It’s just starting

    • #83362
      WCFM Forum

      Please check at wp-admin -> WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs -> fatal_erros log -> is any error generated?

    • #83385
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #83713
      WCFM Forum


      This snippet has some error, please fix that!

      Thank You

    • #84101

      WCFM Forum said “We have tested WCFM Marketplace with 1 million products and 10k+ vendors, it’s working perfectly.” This is excellent news… I hope this plugin continue to improve and work great.

      What website has this many products using your plug in?

      I am really interested in speeding up the performance as well. When I am opening Products as admin on the backend, it is slow… same when editing a product. However, editing a product by vendors directly is faster.

    • #84417
      WCFM Forum


      I am really interested in speeding up the performance as well. When I am opening Products as admin on the backend, it is slow… same when editing a product.

      – Well, that means your site is by default slow and it’s no way related to WCFM, as WCFM has nothing in site’s backend!

      If you want to run a site with lots of products then site’s server configuration is very important.

      Also be sure there is no error happening to your site.
      Please check at wp-admin -> WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs -> fatal_erros log -> is any error generated?

      Remove unnecessary plugins.

      Be sure there is no conflict between any plugins.

      Please check your site here and show me report – https://gtmetrix.com/

      Thank You

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