Stock Management Issue

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    • #29978


      I managed to do a bug by mistake it gave me this error :

      what I did is :-

      1- stock was 0 I wanted to increase the stock so I went to Edit Translated Product (not quick edit), I changed the number but nothing changed, it stayed 0 (I think because it is translated product).

      2- I tried to Quick Edit same translated product, it was successful, I added 10 to the stock.

      3- I bought 1 item successfully.

      4- I tried to buy same item again it tells me it is -1 I cannot buy it.

      after that I went to quick edit default / original product and it was successful with no problems.

      Thank you

    • #30146
      WCFM Forum


      2- I tried to Quick Edit same translated product, it was successful, I added 10 to the stock.

      ** Quick edit updated product successfully but stock was not updated I guess. That’s why it still had “0” stock and after purchase it’s stock goes to “-1”

      Thank You

    • #30148


      So it is a real issue ?

      will you fix it in future update ?

      Thank you

    • #30234
      WCFM Forum


      Actually, WooCommerce only consider main product’s stock.
      Translated product’s stock has no value.

      Max we can disable stock manage for translated products!

      Thank You

    • #30241


      “Max we can disable stock manage for translated products!”

      Maybe disable everything that cannot be changed in the translated products when you try to edit them, I think only few fields can be changed like product name description etc, better make it simple not to confuse vendors.

      And when I was using Dokan I used to have to translated every product as admin, but wcfm is a life saver with this great feature !!

      Thank You

    • #30458
      WCFM Forum

      Yeah right, that will good to disable unnecessary things for edited products.

      Will do that!

      Thank You

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