Stripe split payment

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    • #83613


      I use strip split payment on my Marketplace. But when a person paid, she can encounter problems.

      The error : “Invalid source object: must be a dictionary or a non-empty string”.

      I contacted stripe for informations. But I did not have many more. The problem is that the token is not properly sent to stripe.

      Stripe Answer : the error message “invalid source request” is related to the fact that, although the source is created without problem [1], it is not sent in your request to create your client [2] nor in the creation of the charge [3]

      The problem is not with every payment.

      Do you have any ideas ?

      Thank you in advance 🙂


    • #83783
      WCFM Forum


      What is your WCFM Marketplace version? Please be sure you are testing this with latest version, 3.2.2

      Thank You

    • #84566

      Thank you for your answer,

      It’s look like ok since the update !


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