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syncronize vendor location to products

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM syncronize vendor location to products

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  • Author
    • #135232
      Gary Funk
    • #135290


      Add vendor location from vendor WCFM dashboard -> Settings (PFA).
      Please be advised the “store address” and “store location” have to be in the same country, state.


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    • #139742
      Gary Funk

      Thanks for the reply however it doesnt really answer the question, that is a vendor screenshot not admin screenshot? see my vendor screenshot though for example, it doesnt show like yours.

      the same store address and store location will always be the same. however i cant set the store location??? see shot.

      also what are the steps to actually make this work (ive added geomywp alread)

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    • #139944


      It seems like this is happening due to some plugin conflict. Kindly disable all other plugins except WooCommerce and WCFM plugins(updated). and Use default WordPress theme. After that check again “Store location” this option will work or not.
      Let me know how it goes.


    • #140928
      Gary Funk

      thanks the lookup seems to work again without changing anything?? that said when i set that, products still dont have their location set to the store location? how do we make that happen automatically.

    • #141491


      that said when i set that, products still dont have their location set to the store location?
      Sorry, but we didn’t get your issue. Please elaborate with the screenshot.
      Did you mean Product search not working with store location?


    • #142393
      Gary Funk

      ive set the location for the store as per your instructions above.

      setting this does NOT set the location on existing products that the vendor has in the system?

    • #143062


      If you are using “GEO my WP” plugin for product location,
      After you have set vendor store location from vendor settings(https://wclovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/vendorlocation.png), then this location will get pre-automatically populated by-default in product location tab. (PFA)


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