Tabs on product pages

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  • Author
    • #20491

      Using WCMP

      Will WCFM allow me to change or remove tabs on the store product pages?

      Also, I currently use WCMP Plugin plus Advanced Front End Manager. Will I need to remove the entire app and replace with your Ultimate?
      Will I lose all the data I already entered?

      Thank you.

    • #20503
      WCFM Forum


      Thank for get in touch with us.

      Did you yet installed WCFM FREE. If not, then please feel free to install this –

      Don’t worry, all settings will as it is now.

      Only change, WCMp default dashboard will no more accessible to your vendors, WCFM will become their store manager.

      So , Advanced Front End Manager will become useless.

      Will WCFM allow me to change or remove tabs on the store product pages? – You just have to install “WooCommerce Custom Product Tabs Lite” for the purpose and your vendors may create their custom tabs for products from WCFM product manager.

      Please know me if you have any further queries regarding this.

      Thank You

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