Testing stripe payments and stripe connect

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Testing stripe payments and stripe connect

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    • #62359

      a couple of things.
      1) Connected a vendor via stripe – I wasn’t initially able to do it. When you click the blue Stripe connect button from a test vendor account it goes directly to an app that I tried to fill out multiple times using stripes recommended test bank settings, however I get the error that I cannot use the “known test bank accounts” because i’m in live mode (which i’m not). So I started going through the forum looking for anyone with a similar problem and I noticed a video you did where you skipped the app, by clicking “skip this account form” at the top of the form. I tried that and it worked, the account is connected. However I don’t know how that is going to work as the required test bank account information was not supplied or any information as I skipped the form. So is that the way you are supposed to connect a test vendor and why is this information not provided anywhere?

      2) I tried to purchase something from the connected account to see if it works and on the payment form I received an error that said that the phone number is required. However the phone number field is filled in.

    • #62371

      Here are some attachments that show the top of the stripe application form that the test vendor is sent to, to connect – the top of the app form says it is in development mode. the error msg on the app is shown in the attachment below. Again, i cannot connect without skipping the form which works but you cannot then use the vendor account because it becomes restricted because none of the required info has been filled out

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    • #62975
      WCFM Forum


      Please check this – https://docs.wclovers.com/vendor-payment/

      Watch this as well – https://www.useloom.com/share/19df64a7af1c4469bd8a3665ab0b601a

      For Stripe test mode just skip that account from during vendor account connect – https://wclovers.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Development-Mode.png

      Thank You

    • #63041

      Testing… sigh… 🙁

      • #63045

        I can put a few words and post to forum – i try to put my reply – and my post is blocked (which is what i really think is happening) – do you care to explain?

    • #63046

      Yup, just tried again to put my reply and i get an error “your reply cannot be created at this time” But I can type anything else as you can see – which of course does not make sense. I guess I’ll just keep on doing this until you unblock me

    • #63047

      Point 1) I have looked over that documentation several times – please note that the URI that you have in the documentation is incorrect.

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    • #63049

      breaking up the post to see if that will get through. Able to get point 1. no luck with point 2. But i’ll keep trying – just stubborn that way

    • #63050

      Point 3 – because so far point 2 keeps getting blocked – as i have already explained above – skipping the form does connect the vendor, however the vendor is then restricted because the required form info is missing – therefore you cannot do any testing – which of course is the whole point

    • #63059

      So here is the KEY point: I cannot connect test vendors – and I cannot proceed until I can…

    • #63110
      WCFM Forum
    • #67978

      Good evening

      I have the same issue as pdishman. I cannot connect test vendors. I have tried everything I have found on the forums as well as a chat session with Stripe support. As far as I can work out the issue is with the onboarding of the vendors. They do not seem to be connecting properly with the main site account. I have tried skipping the registration form entry details as well as filling it in. Both times the WCFM dashboard says I have successfully registered with Stripe – but I do not see the vendor account as a connected account in the main store account.

      As a customer I purchase an item from the vendors store and the charge is successfully transferred to the main store account. However there is a transfer error in the log saying resource acct_XXXXX is not found. acct_XXXXX is the id of the vendors stripe account.

      Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated

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