Top Seller Short Code Display Problem

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace Top Seller Short Code Display Problem

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  • Author
    • #136498

      Hi there, i hope all of you are having a great day!
      So, i have a problem with the Top Seller Short code, Which is that “How can i set columns to display in my page”. what i mean by that is for now my top seller is display as a 1 column format, how can i make it to display 2 columns instead of 1?

    • #136751


      Can you share us page URL where you are displaying “Top rated” seller, then we can guide you accordingly.


    • #137136

      Good day,
      This is the page URL :

      Watch it on mobile version, on desktop version the column is in a 3 column 1 row format same with the featured products above, but in mobile version the format breaks, it no longer has the same number of columns and rows compared to the featured products section.

      Thanks for the help!

    • #137381


      Try this css in your theme’s style.css –

      @media only screen and (max-width: 599px) {
      /*************** ADD MOBILE ONLY CSS HERE  ***************/
      	.wp-block-column {
          flex-basis: calc(50% - 10px)!important;
          flex-grow: 0 !important;


    • #137548

      Good day!!

      Just wanna update, it worked like a charm!!

      Thanks for the help!!!

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