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transaction FEES

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  • Author
    • #120587
      karl ohin

      Hi All,
      I am looking for some guidance on the transactions fees, as i have yet to find my answer reading through the posts.

      I discovered recently i have to get Paypal Payouts activated to make it work – this took me ages to find as it wasnt in a document I could find.

      This is my store setup

      Customer checkout

      I dont have stripe split pay activate
      I have paypal standard checkout & standard paypal 
      I have stripe credit card formI have apple and google payVendorI have withdraw setup for paypal and stripe for my vendors

      My Questions / Scenarios are 
      When a customer pays with paypal what are the transaction charges for the vendor and marketplace owner ? ( ignore different countries )

      If a sale is done on stripe and the vendor is registered with a paypal address , how is the vendor paid is it via paypal payout and what is the transaction rate ?

      if a sale is done on stripe and the vendor is registered with stripe connect ,what is the transaction rate ?

      I have checked out STRIPE and PAYPAL and found the following

      Stripe has a transaction fee and for the marketplace owner a fee to take the money to the bank.
      Paypal has a Payout fee 2% for EUR on the value of the transaction. ALSO this transaction fee money needs to be in the paypal account before the transaction according to paypal.

      If anyone running a WCFM store at the moment can help me out trying to understand this i would appreciate it .

      Many Thanks

    • #139665

      Hi karl ohin, I have EXACTLY the same questions: could you get them at last? can you share your experience?

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