Translation order status updated

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    • #80180

      Hello Guys,

      It could be a bug. I want to translate – order status updated – i translated it in loco translate but is not visible.


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    • #80395
      WCFM Forum

      Well, if you are checking “Notification” messages then you will not see translation for old messages, as those are from old log.

      As you have added translation so your new notifications will be generated using translated text.

      Thank You

    • #119985
      Philip Baumgartner

      I have the same issue. The untranslated text is shown in the emails sent as “customer notes” and is also show in the order details where you can see all status updates (backend and frontend). all other texts are correctly translated, just this text does not work despite having translated the string in the “WCFM – WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace ” language file (using LOCO).
      Thank you for your help

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    • #120043

      Check for the string the in WCFM – Woocommerce Frontend manager and WooCommerce plugin as well and translate them.

    • #120269
      Philip Baumgartner

      Thank you for the reply.
      The string is translated in the WCFM marketplace plugin (does not exist anywhere else) but still it’s not showing up in the email or oder details view in backend.
      It seems that specific message comes from WCfM and not from WooCommerce. can there be a connection because I use the following code to set an order only to completed after all child-orders (From vendors) are completed. We have the “order sync” option disabled also.
      add_filter( ‘wcfm_is_allow_mark_complete_main_order_on_all_child_order_complete’, ‘__return_true’ );

      Thanks for help.
      Btw: if it was just for the website, I could use a plugin like “real time find and replace” but as it is also an issue for the email I need an overall working solution.

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    • #124081
      Philip Baumgartner

      Hi, kindly following up on this issue.
      I would need to translate that text as it is part of the order note that goes to customer when the whole order is finished.
      Thank you.

    • #124085
      Philip Baumgartner

      I realised that there is another string that I cannot translate. It’s the “Reverse withdraw” in the ledger book. Cannot find that string in all plugin files.
      Looking forward to you help, thanks.

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