Troubles with user creation with membership (ultimate) and WPML

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Membership Troubles with user creation with membership (ultimate) and WPML

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    • #66228

      Hi, i need your help urgent!!!

      I have a site with wcfm ultimate (+membership +groups&staff) and WPML with 3 differentes lenguages (spanish, english & portuguese)

      I have create 4 differentes memberships in all lenguages.

      When i try to create a user in english all works fine but we try create a user in spanish or portuguese plugin dont activate user membership

      We have a simple product created (and translated in all lenguages) in adition we have other 3 suscripcion products (also translated in all lenguages)

      Please your help , because our website cannot register users!!!



    • #66231
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #66234

      In addition, in membership dashboard i define a WC product in english, but when i try to assign translated product in other lenguage plugin dont accept change and take only last one for all lenguages.


    • #66525
      WCFM Forum


      I have create 4 differentes memberships in all lenguages.

      – How you have created ? WCFM Membership does not support this!

      In addition, in membership dashboard i define a WC product in english, but when i try to assign translated product in other lenguage plugin dont accept change and take only last one for all lenguages.

      – It’s not require. Keep one product.

      Thank You

    • #67214

      Hi, only for your info. We created one membership for each language and a custom page plan to solve issue that all


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