Untranslate text in vendor register JS validation

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Untranslate text in vendor register JS validation

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  • Author
    • #81113
      Miguel Peinado


      I am encountering a trouble in order to translate one of the validation text displayed in vendor register form, specifically the validation text when the password is not strong enough, the following text is displayed:

      Passowrd strength should be atleast “Good”.

      Please also see the typo in the word “password”.

      I used Loco translate to modified translations and I found the text “Password strength should be atleast “Good”.” over the project WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager but this is not the one displayed in the validation form.

      I would appreciate any support to solve this issue.

      Miguel Peinado

    • #81701
      WCFM Forum


      These strings are part of “WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager” translation file.

      Please sync your translation file with latest plugin files, you will have all these.

      Thank You

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