Upgrading membership keeps the old subscription

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Membership Upgrading membership keeps the old subscription

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    • #91701

      I signed up to a Basic membership for £5 a month, I then went to memberships and clicked to change membership. I chose Premium membership for £15.

      My membership changed and my product uploads changed, but if I go to My Account – Subscriptions, I can see i’m still signed up to the Basic membership for £5 and the new Premium membership for £15.

      Is this an error or how should I fix this?

      I’m using the WC checkout method, would the Stripe checkout method allow for upgrades/downgrades properly?

      Thanks! 🙂

    • #91771

      Another error I’ve found…

      If a user signs up to a membership subscription. If the user then goes to My Account>Subscriptions and cancels the subscription there. Then the user goes back to the store page, they are still signed up to the membership.

      This is totally a huge flaw in the system?! Please tell me that just isn’t how it is…

    • #92494

      Hi, Please provide us your site access as we could not recreate the issue on our side. Also, don’t forget to mark it as private. Thanks

    • #93082

      This appears to be fixed. I think it was because we used a staging site, and subscriptions were partly disabled meaning I think it didn’t cancel properly as it was never fully active.

    • #93085

      That’s great. Let me know if there’s anything else we can help you with.

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