Using API

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Viewing 7 reply threads
  • Author
    • #113221

      Hello will this api allow me to create and integrated other third party plug ins for WCFM If so what documentation do I give to my developer.


    • #114821
      WCFM Forum

      No, this is not for that purpose. It’s mainly for GET marketplace data.

    • #119204

      What are the advantages of using this API vs the woocommerce API?

    • #119298

      WCFM Rest API allows you to get all the data with respect to the vendors. Like vendor shop, Vendor products, List of vendors, Vendor order, etc. But in Woocommerce you will get site-wide data and not related to vendors vendor data.

    • #119378

      What do you mean by vendor order? Do you mean orders for that vendor’s products or do you mean the vendor’s membership\plan order for the site?

      I am looking for away to get product orders for each vendor and be able to filter by a specific vendor.

    • #119534

      Yes the api will list all the orders to the vendors when they login to the rest api and cal the correct route and api request.
      Please check the rest api documentation for more details.

    • #136649

      How can I create Api key and api password with Wcf Rest Api plugin? I want to integrate my store in the accounting program I use

    • #148399

      @Sayan Can this plugin be used to allow vendors to use the API for their sites?

Viewing 7 reply threads
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