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Vendor cannot see staff

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    • #53170


      I have just tried the add-on and testing for a vendor.
      I login as vendor – go to Staff – add new.
      I can add staff successfully and the member gets added to the back-end.
      I can also see the ‘staff’ member through the administrator staff menu. However the vendor doesn’t show the staff member.

      I have played around with wcfm_vendor capabilities before to allow other functionality to work on my site, not sure if this is related? or if this something else?


    • #53208
      WCFM Forum


      Are you using user role manage plugin like – Adminize, user role editor etc ?

      If so, then it corrupted Vendor capability rules. Actually, none of this plugins are compatible with multi-vendor setup!

      Please manage vendor capabilities only form WCFM Capability section.

      Thank You

    • #53262


      Thanks for responding, however those plugins are required and have been working on the site for a long time to remove certain capabiliies. It’s the only way I have for your wcfm marketplace to work with my site.

      Can you help determine exactly where a fix needs to go? Or which capability needs to be looked at?


    • #53276
      WCFM Forum


      Well, to show vendor’s staff this meta filter required – https://ibb.co/vvfNq2V

      But such role editor plugin break this and it does not work, now hoe this will work no idea! You have to contact that user role editor plugin.

      If so, then it corrupted Vendor capability rules. Actually, none of this plugins are compatible with multi-vendor setup!

      – I already mentioned you, so we never recommend such pulgin!

      Thank You

    • #62553

      We just installed the Groups & Staff plugin. Same issue. We have no user role editor. What we have is role based recognition for site elements. At this point the Vendor can create staff, see that the staff is counted and that is it.

      More so the Staff member regardless of capabilities cannot edit the vendors settings/information. They do have access to the orders and customers but no idea in which store they are operating in.

      The role determination and removal of that is a non starter as far as conversation goes.

      Please Provide instructions on how to properly adapt the plugin to allow for this to work.

    • #62774
      WCFM Forum


      How you have created “Staff” user ? As Admin login or Vendor login ?

      If it’s a vendor staff then he will allow to access only vendor’s products, orders, customers etc …

      Thank You

    • #63087

      We created the Staff member once through Administration, then we removed that users suspecting there was an issue with the staff member creation from the administrator, then recreated the staff member through the vendor account.

      Both resulted in no staff member shown under the vendor account, and when the staff member logged in they could see the orders but had no idea as to which vendor they were working under.

      We really need this fixed as we have vendors wondering why they can’t see their staff.

    • #63115
      WCFM Forum


      Kindly give me that vendor account to test this once.

      If you have created Staff as vendor login then that Staff user belong to that vendor, and allowed to see/manage products, orders only for that vendor.

      Thank You

    • #63128

      I will create the credentials here for you right away and add a staff member to our sample vendor.

    • #63332
      WCFM Forum


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