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Vendor Catalog

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    • #138088

      Hi there

      I just purchased the Ultimate version, I think WCFM is the best multivendor market place!

      COuld you please provide a recommendation, in how to setup a lot of products from admin side, so that Vendors may “add to my store”, but with the intention that admin will not sell this product.

      For example, I would like to create Product A, which multiple vendors can create.

      The problem is Product A will not be sold by admin, only vendors. The solutions to hide Product A by Admin, is to hide from store catalog, but it is then not available to select by vendors. Also, if I make the Stock Level 0 (and hide out of stock products), then it is also not available to select by vendors.

      To summarize, I would like to provide a pre-built catalog of items that vendors can choose from, and I hope you have a recommendation for doing this.


    • #138266


      What you can, the admin will add products without price/zero price(those products will not display front-end) then the vendor can “add to my store” those products, and sell from his store page/front-end.

      To hide from front-end no price and also which price is 0 products, add below code in your theme’s functions.php –

      add_action( 'woocommerce_product_query', 'wcfmwp_hide_products_without_price' );
      function wcfmwp_hide_products_without_price( $q ){
         $meta_query = $q->get( 'meta_query' );
         $meta_query[] = array(
            'key'       => '_price',
            'value'     => '',
            'compare'   => '!='
         $q->set( 'meta_query', $meta_query );

      Ref- https://react2wp.com/woocommerce-hide-products-without-price-simple-fix/


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