Vendor (custom code) registration fields. How to make not required en reorder?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Vendor (custom code) registration fields. How to make not required en reorder?

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    • #119028


      I found on one of this forums this functions.php code for letting vendor choose a suitable category at registration.

      add_action( 'end_wcfm_membership_registration_form', function() {
      	$selected_categories = array();
      	$product_categories   = get_terms( 'product_cat', 'orderby=name&hide_empty=0&parent=0' );
      	$p_category_options   = array();
      	foreach ( $product_categories as $cat ) {
      		$p_category_options[$cat->term_id] = array( 'name' => $cat->name, 'parent' => 0 );
      	if( !empty( $p_category_options ) ) showRegistrationCategoryHierarchySelector( $p_category_options, $selected_categories );
      	jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
      		$('.wcfm_category_hierarchy').each(function() {
      			$(this).change(function() {
      				$level = parseInt($(this).data('level'));
      				$value = $(this).val();
      				if( $('.p_category_'+($level+1)).length > 0 ) {
      					if( $value ) {
      						$.each($value, function( $i, $svalue ) {
      							if( $('.p_category_'+($level+1)).find('.cat_parent_'+$svalue).length > 0 ) {
      					$level_1 = $('.p_category_'+($level+1)).val();
      					if( $value ) {
      						$.each($value, function( $i, $svalue ) {
      					if( $level_1 ) {
      						if( !$('.p_category_'+($level+1)).find('option[value="'+$level_1+'"]').hasClass('wcfm_custom_hide') ) {
      function showRegistrationCategoryHierarchySelector( $p_category_options, $selected_categories, $level = 0 ) {
      	global $WCFM, $WCFMch;
      	$p_category_child_options = array();
      	$ptax_custom_arrtibutes = apply_filters( 'wcfm_taxonomy_custom_attributes', array(), 'product_cat' );
      	<p class="wcfm_title p_category_label_<?php echo $level; ?>">
      			echo apply_filters( 'wcfm_taxonomy_custom_label', '', 'product_cat' );
      			if( $level ) _e( 'Sub-', 'wcfm-category-hierarchy' ); 
      			_e( 'Categories', 'wc-frontend-manager' ); 
      	<label class="screen-reader-text" for="product_cats">
      		if( $level ) echo __( 'Sub-', 'wcfm-category-hierarchy' );
      		echo apply_filters( 'wcfm_taxonomy_custom_label', __( 'Categories', 'wc-frontend-manager' ), 'product_cat' ); 
      	<select id="p_category_<?php echo $level; ?>" style="height: auto;" multiple name="reg_category[<?php echo $level; ?>][]" class="wcfm-select wcfm_category_hierarchy p_category_<?php echo $level; ?>" data-level="<?php echo $level; ?>" data-catlimit="1" <?php echo implode( ' ', $ptax_custom_arrtibutes ); ?>>
      		<option value=""><?php _e( '-- Selecteer Categorie --', 'wcfm-category-hierarchy' ); ?></option>
      		foreach( $p_category_options as $term_id => $term_details ) {
      			$cat_group_class = 'cat_parent_' . $term_details['parent'];
      			echo '<option class="' . $cat_group_class . '" value="' . esc_attr( $term_id ) . '"' . selected( in_array( $term_id, $selected_categories ), true, false ) . '>' . __( esc_html( $term_details['name'] ), 'wcfm-category-hierarchy' ) . '</option>';
      			$product_child_taxonomies   = get_terms( 'product_cat', 'orderby=name&hide_empty=0&parent=' . absint( $term_id ) );
      			if ( $product_child_taxonomies ) {
      				foreach ( $product_child_taxonomies as $cat ) {
      					$p_category_child_options[$cat->term_id] = array( 'name' => $cat->name, 'parent' => $term_id );
      	if( !empty( $p_category_child_options ) ) showRegistrationCategoryHierarchySelector( $p_category_child_options, $selected_categories, $level );
      add_action( 'wcfm_membership_registration', function( $member_id, $wcfm_membership_registration_form_data ) {
      	if( isset( $wcfm_membership_registration_form_data['reg_category'] ) ) {
      		update_user_meta( $member_id, 'wcfm_vendor_reg_category', $wcfm_membership_registration_form_data['reg_category'] );
      }, 50, 2 );

      This works like a charm but the only problem is that this is required. I do not want that because if there is no category for vendor to suit his store I have a custom field where vendor can add a category suggestion so I can make that category for him in WC admin.
      I can not find in the code how to make it not required. Can you please point me in the right direction?

      Also I wish to re-order the custom fields. Like “K.v.K. Nummer” is part of the shopinfo.
      And custom field for Suggested Categorie (“Categorie Suggestie”) needs to be beneath the categories so if there is no category to choose from than vendor can fill in his own.Please see attachment.
      Can you help me to achieve this please?

      And one more question.
      Is it possible to hide the custom fields from vendor profile page?
      I only need this information like K.v.K. Nummer to approve vendor and category suggestion to make the right category for vendor store.

      Thank you.

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    • #119422


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