Vendor Email Notification

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM Vendor Email Notification

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  • Author
    • #114140

      Is that possible to add the “payment method” of the order, in the email of the order notification that the vendor gets in his email?

    • #114747
      WCFM Forum

      Yeah possible, where you want to show this? At top or bottom?

    • #114860

      At the top it would be fine 🙂

    • #115276
      WCFM Forum

      Please add this code snippet to your site and take a look –

      add_action ( 'wcfm_order_totals_after_total', function( $order_id ) {
      	$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
      	if ( WC()->payment_gateways() ) {
      		$payment_gateways = WC()->payment_gateways->payment_gateways();
      	} else {
      		$payment_gateways = array();
      	$payment_method = ! empty( $order->get_payment_method() ) ? $order->get_payment_method() : '';
      	$td_style = '';
      	if( $payment_method ) {
      			<th class="label" colspan="2" style="text-align:right; <?php echo $td_style; ?>"><?php _e( 'Payment Method', 'wc-frontend-manager' ); ?>:</th>
      			<td class="total" style="text-align:center; <?php echo $td_style; ?>">
      				<div class="view">
      					echo isset( $payment_gateways[ $payment_method ] ) ? esc_html( $payment_gateways[ $payment_method ]->get_title() ) : esc_html( $payment_method );
      }, 50 );

      Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php
      In case you do not have child theme then add code using this plugin –

      Thank You

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