Vendor Email Notification

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  • Author
    • #23656
      Sean Mac

      How can I edit/delete the email notification sent to vendors when they receive a new order? Currently, the email wording does not compliment the rest of my site.

    • #23659
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      Well, for WCfM emails there is no such email templates but you may change all email texts using translation very easily.

      Use Loco Translate for the purpose and translate in site’s default language. Well, be careful, keep the translation files in system folder otherwise update will overwrite those.

      Please know me if you still have any queries regarding this.

      Thank You

      • #23676
        Sean Mac

        Thanks for the quick response!

        I am currently using Loco Translate but it’s not completely doing the job concerning this email. How can I disable this email? I have another process in place that I can use to send vendor notification emails.

    • #23677
      WCFM Forum


      Well, may be I was wrong.

      You are talking about New Order email for vendors – kindly check at WooCommerce -> Emails -> You have this, it’s from multi-vendor plugin.

      If you know me your multi-vendor plugin then I can tell you more specifically.

      Thank You

    • #23684
      Sean Mac

      Maybe I’m not understanding fully where the emails are coming from but WCFM is sending a vendor new order email with the subject “Notification”. How can I disable that email? When I turn the email notification OFF in the Woocommerce settings, the vendor receives nothing at all. When I turn the email notification on, Woocommerce sends an email as well as WCFM.

    • #23685
      WCFM Forum


      Kindly add this code to your child theme’s functions.php

      add_filter( 'wcfm_is_allow_notification_email', '__return_false' );

      It will OFF such WCfM “Notification” emails.

      Thank You

    • #23686
      Sean Mac

      Worked like a charm. Thank you very much for your assistance!

    • #23687
      WCFM Forum

      Pleasure 🙂

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