Vendor Issue with Stripe

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    • #113237


      I am doing the withdrawals via Stripe Split PLay, however when the vendor goes to “connect with stripe”, it says the link has expired?
      How do i fix this?

    • #114073

      the same for me!

    • #114548

      Hello i’m face the same issue using Stripe
      This link is invalid or has expired.

    • #114619

      Hey guys, the issue was resolved when i contacted stripe.
      They have excellent support and when i sent them the URL they could tell me what i needed to fix.

      My client id was to a linked account and not my original account and didnt have the correct permissions.

      Hopefully it solves your problem too.

    • #114824
      WCFM Forum

      Thanks for the update.

      My client id was to a linked account and not my original account and didnt have the correct permissions.

      – You have to contact Stripe support for this. They will guide you to enable your account “connect services”

      Thank You

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