Vendor orders

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    • #66599

      Hi Guys

      1. I have an issue where orders never show completed, always processing
      on orders where a customer has purchased products from more than one vendor, the order status never goes to “completed” it stays at processing even after both vendors have shipped and completed the order. Order sync (IS unticked) to prevent one vendor’s status overwriting all the others

      2. The New store order e-mail that the vendor receives, shows the customer support details from all the vendors, can this just show the customer support from you

      Customer Details
      Customer Name: *****
      Email: *****
      Telephone: ******

      test product (Vendor 1) Policies:
      Customer Support 24 *****, *****, Gloucestershire United Kingdom (UK) – *****
      Email: contact@*****.com
      Phone: 01594 ******

      Webb R51SPHW 51cm 150cc Petrol Self Propelled Rotary Mower (vendor 2) Policies:
      Customer Support United Kingdom (UK)
      Email: help@*****.com
      Phone: 0845 ******

      3. On the vendors -store manager – customer list
      the “Money Spent” shows the total that customer has spent with all vendors, should this not just show what that customer has spent with Your store, not the whole site

      this software just keeps getting better and better

      in point 2 I have replaced actual values with **** in this example

      many thanks


    • #67189

      Hi Guys

      No matter what I do orders never show as completed, if a customer purchases from more than one vendor, even when each vendor has completed their orders

      has the recent update to WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager 6.16 (Fixed – WCFM Marketplace vendors able to see other vendors’ order note issue resolved) resolved the issue of all vendors customer support details showing on each vendor’s new store order e-mail?


    • #67424
      WCFM Forum


      Please go to WCFM Admin Setting -> Marketplace Setting -> be sure “Order Sync” option is checked.

      If it’s not checked then main order status will not change when vendor will change their part order status!

      Thank You

    • #67428

      Hi guys

      Be sure “order sync” is checked

      If I enable that, when one vendor changes his order status to completed for example, all the other vendors orders have there status changed to completed even if there not.

      If it’s not enabled the site admin and the customers orders show as processing even when shipped and completed


    • #67565
      WCFM Forum


      If it’s not enabled the site admin and the customers orders show as processing even when shipped and completed

      – Right, main order status will not change. But Admin and Customer will see this information under order notes and also notified when vendor change status.

      Thank You

    • #67569

      Hi guys

      Ok will leave the setting as it is, I think it will course more confusion with vendors otherwise

      Many thanks


    • #67889

      Hi Guys

      I raised this issue in the first post

      The New store order e-mail that the vendor receives, shows the customer support details from all the vendors

      is that the issue that been sorted with the update to 6.1.6 “Fixed – WCFM Marketplace vendors able to see other vendors’ order note issue resolved


    • #68307
      WCFM Forum


      No, this is not yet resolved!

      Thank You

    • #68311

      Hi Guys
      Ok thanks for getting back


    • #139929
      Tania Schellenberg

      Any updates to this?
      Thank oyu in advance.

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