Vendors Company Meta Tags

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  • Author
    • #65179

      Can you add the “Company Meta Tags” capabilities? Make it similar to a product category or tags structure.

      Also allow control of “Company Meta Tags” limits in Capabilities (i.e. how many allowed per vendor depending on membership level)

      When a new vendor registers, they can select tags for their company in their profile setup page.

      This is helpful when searching for vendors with certain tags.

      Let’s say a company sells towels, and I need to find all the wholesale vendors that sell towels: I can search by company (instead of product) and get a list of vendors that have the tag “Towel(s)” in their company profile or products list.

    • #65370
      WCFM Forum


      Vendors/Stores can be filtered using their Products’ categories.

      Do you require separate category system for vendors?

      Thank You

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