vendor's store page

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  • Author
    • #122987

      I have two serious problems.
      1. When I click on a vendor page store, it doesn’t show me the vendor’s page store, but it redirects me to the home page.
      2. For the store name, some of the buttons of keyword is inactive. The language of my site is persian and those inactive buttons contains letters of persian alphabet.
      I’m not using the ultimate version of my multivendor marketplace plugin.
      Please help to resolve this two important problems.
      Thank you.

    • #123157


      1. When I click on a vendor page store, it doesn’t show me the vendor’s page store, but it redirects me to the home page.
      Please go wp-admin->Settings->Permalinks and then select “Post name” option and save.

      2. For the store name, some of the buttons of keyword is inactive. The language of my site is persian and those inactive buttons contains letters of persian alphabet.
      Please use Loco Translate plugin ( for translation.


    • #123265

      Thank you very much.

    • #123291

      Please give me the snnipet code for the second problem.

    • #124138


      2. For the store name, some of the buttons of keyword is inactive. The language of my site is persian and those inactive buttons contains letters of persian alphabet.
      Can you please mention which buttons are inactive? Please provide a screenshot of section.


    • #124168

      I have find the shortcode.

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