WC Appointments

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  • Author
    • #26174

      I recently bought WCFM Ultimate to use Appointments module for my services business, but there isn’t this module. I went to Settings, it say Install WC Appointments plugin. I was looking for it on my Plugin Backend Module but I don’t know where the plugin is. I thought Appointments was a WCFM-Ultimate included module. I’m quite disappointed. Could you help me to find and install this WC Appointments?

    • #26176
      WCFM Forum


      I am really sorry for the trouble.

      Here is WC Appointment plugin – https://bizzthemes.com/plugins/woocommerce-appointments/

      Thank You

    • #26199

      Man! $89, is even more expensive than MCFM. This is a spend that I did not have in count! Do you have any coupon to buy it?

    • #26207
      WCFM Forum


      I understand, but it’s not our plugin. It’s a third party add-on for WooCommerce.

      I can help you some other way here. I can share you that plugin files for now. You may setup the things and work on your site, then get license later anytime.

      Thank You

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