WC Ultimate – ACF Post Taxonomy Integration

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate WC Ultimate – ACF Post Taxonomy Integration

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    • #27754


      Firs of all, I am not a programmer, my knowledge is quite limited, so sorry if I don’t express my problem properly.

      I am using WC-Ultimate and its integration with ACF. I am trying to create a group of fields to fill by my Vendors when uploading products, which will appear after they select a category for the product, using the conditional logic of the field groups of ACF to achieve that.

      When using WCFM, this feature works fine for categories up to the second level (example: post taxonomy equals to -Home & Garden –Cooking tools) however, if I select a third level category as the condition for the group field appearing(Ex: post taxonomy equals -Home & Garden — Cooking tools —BBQ Grills) the condition is not read, and the group field appears in all the time, ignoring if the category is selected or not.

      I believe this error is caused by the way WCFM organizes the product categories, reading only up to the second level(Category,sub-category), as this error doesnt happen if I upload a product from the back end. I also realized that the category list only collapse one level, loading all subcategories at the same time, as in picture attached, which lead me to thing I am right?

      Can I anyone let me know if this can be solved easily?

      Thank you in advanced for your help guys!

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    • #27769
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us and I understand your issue.

      We will definitely resolve this in next update.

      Thank You

    • #27770


      Thank you for your answer.

      Sorry If I look impatient, is there any programmed date for next update?

      If it is going to take long, would this problem be solved if I create a new taxonomy with all product categories using Toolset, and then set that taxonomy as the condition for the group to appear? Or would I have the same issue?

      I may consider buying toolset if necessary, but I would wait if you recommend me to.

      Thanks again!

    • #27914
      WCFM Forum


      WCFM and WCFM Ultimate new version has just released.

      Kindly update yours, then issue has been already resolved.

      No need to install Toolset.

      Thank You

    • #27929


      Thank you so much for the fast work,but I already updated my plugins, and I still have the same issue:

      Example: I have 3 level product category (I find them under Post Taxonomy in ACF)

      -Houseware & Garden
      ———BBQ Grill
      ———BBQ Tools
      ———BBQ Accessories

      If I set up the conditions of my field group in ACF as

      Post Type equals Product
      Post Taxonomy equal —–BBQ

      The group field appears/dissapears when I select/unselect the –BBQ from the category list during product creation in WCFM.

      However, if I set my rules as

      Post Type equals Product
      Post Taxonomy equal ———BBQ Grill

      WCFM ignore my last rule “Post Taxonomy equal ———BBQ Grill”, and show the group field in product creation all the time, because of “Post Type equals Product”.

      Can we get it to read my 3rd level category and it doesn’t ignore “Post Taxonomy equal ———BBQ Grill”?

      Thank you again for your help and effort.

    • #28040
      WCFM Forum


      Do you have updated WCFM Ultimate to 4.2.3 ?

      Please update this and take a look.

      Thank You

      • #28121


        Okay, I know what is happening, my bad.

        I am actually using ACF Pro, didn’t think it would work different. I tried installing ACF free version, and it is working smoothly (good work there!).

        Do you think this could also be implemented for the pro version?

        Thank you.

    • #28125
      WCFM Forum


      Umm … this is already implemented for ACF Pro.

      Well, we will test this once again for ACF Pro.

      Thank You

    • #28143


      I am not sure, I’ve tried everything, but while it works on the ACF free version, it doesnt on the ACF Pro.

      See attached.

      Thank you.

    • #28145
      WCFM Forum


      We will check this for ACF Pro, may be new version causing some issues.

      Thank You

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