WCFM breaking permalinks for woocommerce

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM WCFM breaking permalinks for woocommerce

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  • Author
    • #60115
      Service Agmondo


      I have been having problems with my permalinks for my site. I use pretty much all the plugins you guys have (Ultimate, Affiliate, etc.) My problem is that when I go to Product Category page I get a 404 Page not found error. I have now been through and tested my theme, tested all plugins by deactivating all except Woocommerce and the problem occurs as soon as I activate WCFM.

      I have tested it twice now and both times it was as soon as I turned on WCFM.

      Please advise ASAP.


    • #60116

      Hi Mate

      try changing your dashboard endpoints

      goto settings – Dashboard pages

      and rename wcfm-orders to something other than orders (your-orders) from example

      then click on refresh permalinks then save

      try that mate


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      • #60126
        Service Agmondo

        Thanks. It didn’t work.

        My permalink for product category base is /shop
        For product permalinks it’s /shop/%product_cat%/

        When I go to categories and click to view the category I get 404 and the link goes to my-site/my-category

        I can find the category at my-site/shop/my-category but all links to my-category point to my-site/my-category

        If I don’t have /shop as both product category base and product permalink, I get nothing, either way – just 404

    • #60132


      I have product-category as my product category base

      /product/ as my custom base

      And this works for me.

      Can you try with these to see if that helps


    • #60169
      WCFM Forum


      I have tested it twice now and both times it was as soon as I turned on WCFM.

      – Well, WCFM has no control over site permalink. WCFM Dashboard running on a normal WP page, no special permalink require for this.

      Vendor store pages require “nice permalink” for the site, but it does not change automatically anything.

      There has definitely something else which causing this issue as we never heard this before.

      Well, we are happy to debug this for you, please share your site details with us here – https://wclovers.com/woocommerce-multivendor-customization/

      Thank You

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