WCFM Frontend utimate chatbox not working

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request WCFM Frontend utimate chatbox not working


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  • Author
    • #79688
      william shivers

      hi i just purchase the plugin and chat function is not working the chat url give 404

    • #79946
      WCFM Forum


      DO you created Talkjs account and setup that?

      Please check this – https://wclovers.com/knowledgebase/wcfm-marketplace-chat-module/

      Thank You

    • #82083

      Hi william shivers did it finally worked for you? I have created the account but the chat option is not appearing on the vendor shop page.
      Any clue?


    • #82459
      WCFM Forum

      Hi Nitin,

      I have checked your site’s store page, “Chat Now” button is there!

      Thank You

    • #84818
      Michelle Gann

      Hi, it’s asking my buyers to sign in for them to chat – can I set it so users can chat without logging in?

    • #86180
      WCFM Forum

      It’s not supported right now, login is must to initiate chat!

    • #128154


      I just bought ultimate a few days ago expecting the have a live chat box capability but now I come to learn that I need to buy a subscription with Talkjs, which is not clear in the descriptions when buying the Ultimate.

      Also, the explanation on how to set up the chatbox says something about Firebase, I tried this but no success, the chatbox is not showing on the site, anywhere at all!!

      I am terribly disappointed in how many additions one has to buy before being able to use the system as showcased. Please provide a solution to how we can use the chatbox for free instead of upselling services from other brands that costs a fortune, stay loyal to your consumers, that will be better for WCLovers!

      Thanks and looking forward to your support and hopefully a quick solution.

      Kind regards,
      loyal consumer

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