WCFM integration with TaxJar

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    • #105559

      Hi! I would like to know if anyone has succesfully integrated WCFM with Tax Jar?

      It would be impossible to stay compliant with taxes every place we have nexus by using the zipcode functionality under WooCommerce settings.

      We plan to collect taxes on behalf of our vendors so I don’t need then to handle taxes, just us. Tax Jar would make this so easy and I see the other marketplace plugins can do this, which has ne thinking that I may need to switch. Has anyone had success with TaxJar and WCFM? Are you looking into this WCFM? The settings under Woocommerce are not enough.

    • #106082
      WCFM Forum


      Has anyone had success with TaxJar and WCFM?

      – Well, WCFM not yet compatible with this addon.

      Thank You

    • #159015

      @wcloverjoy Have you gotten any resolution to Marketplace Facilitator Tax law? with TaxJar? or others?

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