WCFM Reviews, use Google Reviews instead

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request WCFM Reviews, use Google Reviews instead


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  • Author
    • #72924
      thibaut HUMBERT


      Do you plan implementing Google Business Review at the shop level in your solution ?

      best would be both way sync :
      – reviews added on shop page are added to the vendor’s google business reviews
      – reviews in google are visible on reviw shop page.

      Best regards
      Great Plugin !

    • #72963
      WCFM Forum

      We have this in plan, but it will take some time to be there!

      Thank You

    • #86149
      Edouard HOP

      Hi, – reviews in google are visible on reviw shop page.

      I’m adding my voice to this request !

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