Website in social area for vendors

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    • #93628

      Can we add a link for vendors to list their website in the social area of their profile?

    • #94034
      WCFM Forum


      Please add this code to your site for the purpose-

      add_action( 'end_wcfm_vendor_settings', function( $vendor_id ) {
      	global $WCFM;
      	$wcfm_vendor_website = get_user_meta( $vendor_id, 'wcfm_vendor_website', true );	
      	<!-- collapsible -->
      	<div class="page_collapsible" id="wcfm_settings_form_additional_head">
      		<label class="fa fa-certificate"></label>
      		<?php _e('Additional Info', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace'); ?><span></span>
      	<div class="wcfm-container">
      		<div id="wcfm_settings_form_additional_expander" class="wcfm-content">
      			<h2><?php _e('Additional Setting', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace'); ?></h2>
      			<div class="wcfm_clearfix"></div>
      				$WCFM->wcfm_fields->wcfm_generate_form_field( array(
      																														"wcfm_vendor_website" => array( 'label' => __( 'Website', 'wc-multivendor-marketplace'), 'name' => 'wcfm_vendor_website', 'type' => 'text', 'class' => 'wcfm-text wcfm_ele', 'label_class' => 'wcfm_title wcfm_ele', 'value' => $wcfm_vendor_website ),
      																													 ) );
      	<!-- end collapsible -->
      }, 50, 1 );
      add_action( 'wcfm_vendor_settings_update', function( $vendor_id, $wcfm_settings_form ) {
      	global $WCFM, $_POST;
      	if( isset( $wcfm_settings_form['wcfm_vendor_website'] ) ) {
      		update_user_meta( $vendor_id, 'wcfm_vendor_website', $wcfm_settings_form['wcfm_vendor_website'] );
      }, 50, 2 );

      Add this code to your child theme’s functions.php
      In case you do not have child theme then add code using this plugin –

      Thank You

    • #94049
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #96522
      WCFM Forum

      Well, it added a new setting tab “Additional Info” and added this field there.

      Use this short code to show this – [wcfm_store_info data="wcfm_vendor_website"]

      Thank You

    • #97049
      Ivan Black


      1) How can I automatically output the website on product pages alongside the vendors telephone and email with an icon. That is in the store info section. Using the shortcode [wcfm_store_info data=”store_website”] means the link is not clickable.

      2) Instead of showing this in a separate collapsible section called “additional info”, how can it be moved to vendors >> /store-manager/settings/ under the ‘store phone’ field?

      3) Using this code adds the website field for vendors >> /store-manager/settings/ but not admin edit vendors screen. How can it be added for admin also to see / edit?

      Thank you

    • #97244
      WCFM Forum


      1) How can I automatically output the website on product pages alongside the vendors telephone and email with an icon. That is in the store info section. Using the shortcode [wcfm_store_info data=”store_website”] means the link is not clickable.

      – Add this code to your site for the purpose-

      add_action( 'wcfmmp_store_after_phone', function( $store_id ) {
      	$site_url = get_user_meta( $store_id, 'wcfm_vendor_website', true );
        if( $site_url ) {
          $site_url_href = $site_url;
      	  if (strpos( $site_url_href, 'http') === false) {
      	  	$site_url_href = "http://" . $site_url_href;
      	  <div class="store_info_parallal" style="margin-right: 10px;"><i class="wcfmfa fa-globe" aria-hidden="true"></i><span><a href="<?php echo $site_url_href; ?>"><?php echo $site_url; ?></a></span></div>

      Thank You

    • #98216
      Ivan Black


      1) The previous code outputs the website on the vendor store page but NOT product pages. I would like to display the website on product pages in the Store tab alongside the email and telephone.

      2) For vendors, instead of showing the website field in a separate collapsible section called “additional info”, how can it be moved to vendors >> /store-manager/settings/ under the ‘store phone’ field? Having it in a separate tab is completely unnecessary and confusing for vendors.

      Thank you.

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