Withdrawal Requests Enhancment / Multiple Vendors Order.

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    • #31248


      Issue : As you know if a customers orders from multiple vendors, and one of the vendor completes his part, then the other vendor can withdraw balance without completing his order. ( Note : I have vendors and admin orders synced )

      So the Admin has to check every withdraw request if it is part of multiple products/vendors or not, and manually check if the other vendor completed his order by contacting him or his customer.

      Solution : Add a mark / sign / icon / label on withdraw requests that are part of multi products/vendors orders in the Withdrawal Requests Table, Screenshot : https://www.dropbox.com/s/fzdyddqn2v68nmx/withdrawal.JPG?dl=0

      With this solution, admin doesn’t have to check all requests, and can only check the requests which are part of multi products/vendors orders

      If you have other / better solutions please let me know.

      Thank You.

    • #31324
      WCFM Forum


      Issue : As you know if a customers orders from multiple vendors, and one of the vendor completes his part, then the other vendor can withdraw balance without completing his order. ( Note : I have vendors and admin orders synced )

      – Now that’s the reason we keep Admin and Vendor order status separate and they are not synced!

      Solution : Add a mark / sign / icon / label on withdraw requests that are part of multi products/vendors orders in the Withdrawal

      – How solution will not work, a withdrawal may be more than one order – https://ibb.co/iXGah9

      Thank You

    • #31332


      Issue : As you know if a customers orders from multiple vendors, and one of the vendor completes his part, then the other vendor can withdraw balance without completing his order. ( Note : I have vendors and admin orders synced )

      – Now that’s the reason we keep Admin and Vendor order status separate and they are not synced!

      * So if I change it back to default (not synced just admin notified) then if admin complete one of the two orders then both vendor still can withdraw, No ?

      Thank You

    • #31429
      WCFM Forum


      So if I change it back to default (not synced just admin notified) then if admin complete one of the two orders then both vendor still can withdraw, No ?

      – Yes they can, but if only Admin change main order status to “processing” or “completed”.

      Thank You

    • #31434


      I’m sorry I’m going to bother you with this.

      So if there is an order with 2 products from Vendor A and Vendor B. And then Vendor A complete the order but Vendor B did not complete order. And then admin will receive notification that Vendor A completed his order.

      Now what is the admin suppose to do ? If admin completes main order then B can withdraw too even tho he didn’t complete his order, right ? so it is the same issue synced or not synced orders ? forgive me I am a bit confused, how can I manage and accept withdraws easily while knowing some vendors may take advantage of this issue intentionally or unintentionally ?

      Thank You

    • #31448
      WCFM Forum


      So if there is an order with 2 products from Vendor A and Vendor B. And then Vendor A complete the order but Vendor B did not complete order. And then admin will receive notification that Vendor A completed his order. – Right

      Now what is the admin suppose to do ? If admin completes main order then B can withdraw too even tho he didn’t complete his order, right ? – Yeah that’s right too, but here admin no whether all vendor completed their order or not and still if he wants to mark main order complete then why should we block this?
      At least here nothing is hidden and Admin/Vendor all are aware of every actions.

      One more thing, it’s very obvious – Child order can’t modify Parent Order but Parent Order should change Child Order, this is logical right!

      Thank You

    • #31454

      Okay Sir, I just did many testing with sync and unsync and you make a lot of sense.

      But I believe there is a middle ground for this if you don’t mind . I am using the following code you provided for me to sync orders :-


      /* Sync Orders from Vendor Side */

      function wcfmmp_vendor_order_status_updated_custom( $order_id, $vendor_id, $order_status ) {
      global $WCFM;

      if ( wc_is_order_status( $order_status ) && $order_id ) {
      $order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
      $order->update_status( str_replace(‘wc-‘, ”, $order_status), ”, true );

      // Add Order Note for Log
      $shop_name = $WCFM->wcfm_vendor_support->wcfm_get_vendor_store_by_vendor( $vendor_id );
      $wcfm_messages = sprintf( __( ‘<b>%s</b> order status updated to <b>%s</b> by <b>%s</b>’, ‘wc-frontend-manager’ ), ‘#‘ . $order_id . ‘‘, wc_get_order_status_name( str_replace(‘wc-‘, ”, $order_status) ), $shop_name );
      $comment_id = $order->add_order_note( $wcfm_messages, ‘1’);
      if( wcfm_is_vendor() ) { add_comment_meta( $comment_id, ‘_vendor_id’, $vendor_id ); }

      $WCFM->wcfm_notification->wcfm_send_direct_message( -2, 0, 1, 0, $wcfm_messages, ‘status-update’ );

      do_action( ‘woocommerce_order_edit_status’, $order_id, str_replace(‘wc-‘, ”, $order_status) );
      do_action( ‘wcfm_order_update_status’, $order_id, str_replace(‘wc-‘, ”, $order_status) );
      add_action( ‘wcfmmp_vendor_order_status_updated’, ‘wcfmmp_vendor_order_status_updated_custom’, 50, 3 );

      /* Sync Orders from Vendor Side */

      /* Sync Orders from Vendor Side 2 */

      function wcfmmp_order_status_display_custom( $status_display, $the_order ) {
      $status_display = ‘<span class=”order-status tips wcicon-status-‘ . sanitize_title( $the_order->get_status() ) . ‘ text_tip” data-tip=”‘ . wc_get_order_status_name( $the_order->get_status() ) . ‘”></span>’;
      return $status_display;
      add_filter( ‘wcfm_order_status_display’, ‘wcfmmp_order_status_display_custom’, 50, 2 );

      /* Sync Orders from Vendor Side 2 */


      Now, is the following possible ?

      1- Adding if statement condition if order has more than 1 vendor then don’t apply this function. (If from 1 vendor then orders are synced, if multiple vendors then orders aren’t synced.)

      2- If order has more than 1 vendor add extra icon so admin can pay attention to this from the order list and complete it manually after checking order notes if all vendors completed them.

      3- It is really good way showing in order notes if vendors want to complete their orders (Screenshot : https://www.dropbox.com/s/qyektl5e1o41h75/order%20notes.JPG?dl=0 ) , so maybe add link to the order ID in the withdraw (not needed solution, just for fast reference.) Screenshots : https://www.dropbox.com/s/p4r19mb0n6wmvq6/order%20id%20link%20for%20admin.JPG?dl=0 & https://www.dropbox.com/s/u60e9b2g397xg00/order%20id%20link%20for%20vendor.JPG?dl=0

      I think this is really good way and other wcfm users can take advantage of it, it will make admin life so much easier.

      Thank You for your kind support.

    • #31455

      I wanted this to be in a different Post.

      4- Imagine unsynced orders (Default way) – If only 1 vendor complete the order, and the other vendor cancel or refund or didn’t complete it for any reason, How can I manage this ? How can i complete it so Vendor A can withdraw ?

      Thank You

    • #31803
      WCFM Forum


      Sorry for delayed update.

      1- Adding if statement condition if order has more than 1 vendor then don’t apply this function. (If from 1 vendor then orders are synced, if multiple vendors then orders aren’t synced.)

      – I can’t say it’s impossible but then it will be hugh resource consuming process. Are you comfortable in this? Then I will tweak the code as this.

      2- If order has more than 1 vendor add extra icon so admin can pay attention to this from the order list and complete it manually after checking order notes if all vendors completed them.

      – Again same problem, a withdrawal may be more than one order – https://ibb.co/iXGah9

      3- It is really good way showing in order notes if vendors want to complete their orders (Screenshot : https://www.dropbox.com/s/qyektl5e1o41h75/order%20notes.JPG?dl=0 ) , so maybe add link to the order ID in the withdraw (not needed solution, just for fast reference.) Screenshots : https://www.dropbox.com/s/p4r19mb0n6wmvq6/order%20id%20link%20for%20admin.JPG?dl=0 & https://www.dropbox.com/s/u60e9b2g397xg00/order%20id%20link%20for%20vendor.JPG?dl=0

      – You are always testing and thinking with one order, but in general vendor’s will prefer to request withdrawal in bulk (4-5 orders at a time), mainly for less withdrawal charge. Then this will not work. Still we will look into this to linking orders to it’s details page from here.

      4- Imagine unsynced orders (Default way) – If only 1 vendor complete the order, and the other vendor cancel or refund or didn’t complete it for any reason, How can I manage this ? How can i complete it so Vendor A can withdraw ?

      – Well, for vendor refund main order not refunded, only particular product from that vendor refunded. So main order still can have “completed” status for other items.

      Thank You

    • #31808


      I’m in a business trip for few days, I just want to comment on 4 real fast, and the rest for later.

      “– Well, for vendor refund main order not refunded, only particular product from that vendor refunded. So main order still can have “completed” status for other items.”

      Can you tell me the process of canceling/refunding as admin ? and If i complete the order as admin how can I prevent vendor from withdrawing commission from canceled/refunding orders.

    • #31811


      1- Adding if statement condition if order has more than 1 vendor then don’t apply this function. (If from 1 vendor then orders are synced, if multiple vendors then orders aren’t synced.)

      – I can’t say it’s impossible but then it will be hugh resource consuming process. Are you comfortable in this? Then I will tweak the code as this.

      How high ? I would like to test it out, hopefully it’s not very high , I cannot afford having many employees just checking orders.

    • #32264


      – Is the new order sync option added in the latest update works exactly as the code you’ve given me ?

      – I’m waiting your answer in my previous reply.

      Thank You

    • #32417
      WCFM Forum


      – Is the new order sync option added in the latest update works exactly as the code you’ve given me ?

      – Yeah right.

      “How high ? I would like to test it out, hopefully it’s not very high , I cannot afford having many employees just checking orders.”

      – This will be very high. When there will be many orders (1000+) page load time will be very long.
      If you test this with 10-20 orders you will get no clue.

      Thank You

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