WooCommerce Frontend Manager not show number of booking for woocommerce booking

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums Dokan Multivendor WooCommerce Frontend Manager not show number of booking for woocommerce booking

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  • Author
    • #19037

      Hye There

      i’m using woocommerce booking for make an online booking and i also have number of person on my woocommerce booking

      the problem i’m facing right now it is:

      on WooCommerce Frontend Manager not have number of person who make booking with my woocommerce..

      can i know why this is happen? now i’m using dokan for multivendor plug in


    • #19044
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      Are talking about WCFM Product Manager missing Person and Resources?

      If so, then you just have to upgrade your WCFM, actually those are part of WCFM Ultimate.

      You may check our demo as well for having WCFM total Booking integration overview – http://wcbooking.wcfmdemos.com/my-account

      Please know me if you have any further queries.

      Thank You

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