WC Lovers

WooCommerce Frontend Manager - Multivendor marketplace vendor dashboard

We're shifting our Forum based support to a more dedicated support system!

We'll be closing our Forum support from 10th June, 2020 and move to Email Support assistance.

  • If you are a WCFM premium add-ons user, contact us- here
  • Want to know more before buying our add-ons? Send Pre sale queries- here
  • If you are a WCFM free user, please open a support ticket at WordPress.org
  • For WCFM App related queries, reach us- here
From now the forum will be read-only!

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
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  • in reply to: Vendor registration validation #140699

    THank you,

    can you answer please my other two questions ?
    I would like to understand the script, so I can use it for all the other fields in the registration form.

    in reply to: Vendor registration validation #140532


    I added the script in the theme.js. But I am not able to modify it properly.
    I called my custom zipcode “Postleitzahl” and I want to check if the Postleitzahl starts with 5.
    How can I modify the script ?

    Is it like
    modiefied to
    input[name=’wcfmvm_custom_infos[Postleitzahl]’] ?

    Where does the (zipcode) in the validation logic came from ?

    Can somebody help me please ?

    in reply to: Vendor registration validation #136583

    Thank you, is there another way where I can usethe functions.php ?
    For example with add_action(‘wcfm_membership_registration_form’,function(){

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)