Commission setting problem

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  • Author
    • #71631
      Kelanvest SB

      I’ve updated everything to latest version.

      I’ve added codes in child theme that my transaction fee (5%) should include shipment. But still it doesn’t count it.

      I assume item $6, shipping $10, fee 5% –> so admin get $16*0.05= $0.8, vendor get $16-0.8 = 15.2 (shipping by vendor). Is it correct?

      Can you teach me how to fix it?

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    • #71762
      Kelanvest SB

      OK I found the solution. Solved.

      The shipping option must come from the vendor store. Previously the shipping I set from admin site.

    • #72065

      Hi @Kelavest

      I’m having the same issue however, could you please explain this: “The shipping option must come from the vendor store. Previously the shipping I set from admin site.”

      Can you provide me a screenshot to see where you set this?
      Thank you,
      Best Regards

    • #72240
      WCFM Forum


      You have to setup store shipping –

      Thank You

    • #72242


      Unfortunately, I already did.

      Please see

      Best regards

    • #72506
      WCFM Forum


      I think, shipping cost package is no generating for vendor, so it’s not visible to vendor and cost is not considering.

      Can you please show me screenshot for “Order 2409” details from wp-admin -> WooCommerce -> Orders

      Between, do you have any third party shipping plugin?
      If yes, then please disable that and check once.

      Thank You

    • #72527
      Kelanvest SB

      If you are logging in as an admin, go to Vendor -> select a vendor -> enable shipping & set shipping fees.

      Remember the two short codes.

      I had spent whole 2 days in troubleshooting this issue. Hope it helps.

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