capability in Groups setting and capability setting is frozen

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Groups & Staffs capability in Groups setting and capability setting is frozen

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  • Author
    • #72122

      Hi, my capability setting is frozen everywhere I cannot use it and in review your plan on vendor registration no feature appear

    • #72137
      Cap Luis
    • #72138
      Cap Luis

      Do you use WP FASTEST CACHE?

    • #72380

      Yes sure

    • #72408
      WCFM Forum


      I don’t think this is because of caching.

      Please check at wp-admin -> WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs -> fatal_erros log -> is any error generated?

      Thank You

    • #72417

      No there is not error generate

    • #72558
      Cap Luis

      I have no errors in the log.
      Fortunately mine got to work! I’m checking if it was Dokan’s fault!

    • #72566
      Cap Luis

      I found the problem! developers can look with their own eyes!

      Use DOKAN! dokan is breaking the Limits page, groups and staffs.

      If you disable the Dokan plugin everything works normally!

    • #72662
      WCFM Forum


      Umm … you may keep enable Dokan, but just disable it’s “Subscription” module and check.

      Thank You

    • #72702
      Cap Luis

      Module subscription on the Dokan Dashboard?

      I deactivated and the problem continues!

    • #72736
      WCFM Forum

      Please check at wp-admin -> WooCommerce -> Status -> Logs -> fatal_erros log -> what errors are generating now?

    • #72819
      Cap Luis

      There is no logging error, I just gave up, I’m wasting time on this.

      But you said to disable the module of signatures in dokan, but the free version of dokan has no option of signatures, in this case it is not something limited to premium version, both dokan versions lock the limits settings.

      Did you test it with your own eyes? it does not make sense to bump into my installation, I created a clean install to find the bug, and you could do the same. To help their customers.

      Could you tell me if you tested dokan in conjunction with wcfm groups? I think you’d have the same mistake

      I’ve already shown “how to cause the bug” yourself can try to cause this error.

      install all WCFM add-ons, Dokan. go to config limits, and see your panel lock.

    • #72946
      WCFM Forum


      Are you still using Dokan? Or, migrate to WCFM Marketplace!

      As I remember, you have mentioned something like this some other thread.
      If so, then we can discard this discussion!

      Thank You

    • #73587
      Cap Luis

      After the update I tried to use Dokan again, and the error continues, the page is broken and I can’t change any settings.

    • #73871
      WCFM Forum


      After the update I tried to use Dokan again, and the error continues,

      – What error? Are you getting in log file!

      Last time you told me, there is no error in log!

      Thank You

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