Customising WCMM vendor registration form

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    • #43226

      Hello there,

      Could you please show me how to customise the vendor registration form so I can change the label ‘Store Phone’ to ‘Mobile phone’ or something? I tried the following but it didn’t work (first two items work fine).

      function wcfm_membership_registration_custom_fields( $registration_fileds ) {
      global $WCFM;
      if( isset( $registration_fileds[‘first_name’] ) ) {
      $registration_fileds[‘first_name’][‘custom_attributes’] = array( ‘required’ => 1 );
      if( isset( $registration_fileds[‘last_name’] ) ) {
      $registration_fileds[‘last_name’][‘custom_attributes’] = array( ‘required’ => 1 );
      if( isset( $registration_fileds[‘user_phone’] ) ) {
      $registration_fileds[‘user_phone’][‘label’] = ‘Blah Blah’;
      return $registration_fileds;
      add_filter( ‘wcfm_membership_registration_fields’, ‘wcfm_membership_registration_custom_fields’ );

      I also need to change the statement for Terms and Condition (just above the Register button). Can this form be overridden using a child theme?

      Thanks and regards,

    • #43311
      WCFM Forum


      It has setting option, why you are trying custom coding –

      Thank You

    • #43328

      Thanks, but those settings don’t allow us to change the labels on the actual vendor registration form. Do they? I want to change the labels/text on that form vendors have to fill.

    • #43474
      WCFM Forum


      Please use such code snippet for the purpose –

      function wcfm_custom_translate_text( $translated ) {
      	$translated = str_ireplace( 'Inquiry', 'Requête', $translated );
      	return $translated;
      add_filter('gettext', 'wcfm_custom_translate_text');
      add_filter('ngettext', 'wcfm_custom_translate_text');

      Thank You

    • #43476

      Many thanks! Could you please give me the name of the template/view too if it can be overridden through a child theme?

    • #43501
      WCFM Forum


      NO no, you have to add this code in your child theme’s functions.php and using this code you may change any label to yours.

      $translated = str_ireplace( ‘Inquiry’, ‘Requête’, $translated ); – you have to add such line under this function. Where first element is existing string and second is your required string.

      Thank You

    • #43504

      Sorry I should’ve rephrased it better 🙂 I managed to get it working using the functions.php. Many thanks for that! However, I have some other customisations so could you please tell me the name of the template/view php file?

    • #43574
      WCFM Forum


      That’s great 🙂

      I have some other customisations so could you please tell me the name of the template/view php file?
      – For registration form? then check at “wc-multivendor-membership/templates/”

      Thank You

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