No Store Members

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  • Author
    • #26812


      I am trying to have a Free membership level without access to a store. However, I do not see where I can turn this option off. Even the simple registration requires a “Store Name”, and then it leads to Store Dashboard. Can I turn off that option completely and after registration to redirect the member to their profile?

    • #26848
      WCFM Forum


      WCfM – Membership is only for vendor users.

      But you may keep them as normal user using a trick.
      Keep “Approve” ON for that membership level but never approve those applications.

      Thank You

    • #26873

      Hi, I can try that, thank you. However, I will still need to remove the Store name required field from the registration and prevent the Dashboard redirect. Can this be done?

    • #26959
      WCFM Forum


      I have give you code for custom redirect here –

      But “Store Name” is essential for a vendor profile. How a vendor profile can be setup without this!

      Thank You

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