Product Featured Image not Showing

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Product Featured Image not Showing

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  • Author
    • #22649

      Hi Guys,
      I just bought WCFM Ultimate Add on and installed it on my website i.e I’ve already bought WCFM Groups & Stoff Add-on too. In my vendor dashboard, When I try to upload product image, it doesn’t show to Super admin of the website, All products approved by the admin first so they goes to “Pending state”. Let me know how to fix this issue. Is there any setting that need to be done? I checked in “Capabilities” section, Featured image is allowed to that group.


    • #22659
      WCFM Forum


      I am really sorry for the inconveniences but there is no settings for this.

      Product images are saved and vendors can see those?

      Can you please provide me demo vendor access of your site ?

      Thank You

    • #22683

      Thanks, I just updated the Ultimate and Group & Staff Add-Ons and now NEW entries are showing the images.


    • #22704
      WCFM Forum

      Fantastic 🙂

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