Vendor Payment can't view and edit status

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Ultimate Vendor Payment can't view and edit status

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    • #24119

      I can’t view the transaction detail, and I can’t edit the status of the transaction.
      Each transaction does not have a link to view a detail or edit the status.

      This function works smoothly in WCMp that I can click for view transaction detail and the status can change to complete when I paid the vendor.

    • #24160
      WCFM Forum


      Possibly you are talking about wp-admin -> WCMp -> Commission page

      But there is nothing like this in WCFM for Admin.

      WCFM payment tab is there only for Vendors, now why a vendor are allowed to edit/change transaction status?

      Thank You

    • #24195

      Ok, I might say something wrong.

      I mean;
      1. The vendor cannot view the detail of the transaction. In the payment tab – each item shows transaction id and commission id which does not link to the order id. So the vendor does not know about the source of money.

      2. After the admin paid the vendor, the transaction status in the vendor payments tab does not change to complete; it shows processing all the time.
      2.1 For Admin:: In wp-admin -> WCMp -> Commission page; The admin can edit the commission item and can mark the item as paid. (I don’t have a problem on this page.)
      2.2 For Vendor:: After 2.1 in the vendor page -> Payment tab on the payment history at the transaction status should show complete instead of processing.
      But it never shows complete status. This is my issue.

    • #24328
      WCFM Forum
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